Source code for rlapi.client

# Copyright 2018-present Jakub Kuczys (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import asyncio
import logging
import re
import time
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, cast

import aiohttp
from lxml import etree

from . import errors
from ._utils import TokenInfo, json_or_text
from .enums import Platform
from .player import Player
from .typedefs import TierBreakdownType

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ("Client",)

# valid username regexes per platform
    Platform.steam: re.compile(
            (id|profiles)\/         # group 1 - None if input is only a username/id
        ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,32})\/?    # group 2
    Platform.ps4: re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,15}"),
    Platform.xboxone: re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z](?=.{0,15}$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ ?)+"),
    # Display Name pattern for Epic platform, used to be relevant:
    # Platform.epic: re.compile(r".{3,16}"),
    Platform.epic: re.compile(r"[0-9a-f]{32}"),
    Platform.switch: re.compile(
        [a-zA-Z0-9]  # first character can't be punctuation
            [a-zA-Z0-9]        # non-punctuation character
            |[_\-.](?![_\-.])  # or punctuation character that isn't repeated in a row
        [a-zA-Z0-9]  # last character can't be punctuation

[docs]class Client: RLAPI_BASE = "" STEAM_BASE = "" EPIC_OAUTH_URL = "" def __init__( self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str, tier_breakdown: Optional[TierBreakdownType] = None, ): self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self._client_id = client_id self._client_secret = client_secret self._token_info: Optional[TokenInfo] = None self._xml_parser = etree.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False) self.tier_breakdown: TierBreakdownType if tier_breakdown is None: # cast of empty list to a type needed here # see self.tier_breakdown = cast(TierBreakdownType, {}) else: self.tier_breakdown = tier_breakdown
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """ Close underlying session. Release all acquired resources. """ await self._session.close()
[docs] def destroy(self) -> None: """ Detach underlying session. The `close()` method should be used instead when possible as this function does not close the session's connector. """ self._session.detach()
def __del__(self) -> None: if not self._session.closed: warnings.warn( f"Unclosed Rocket League API client {self!r}", ResourceWarning, source=self, ) self.destroy()
[docs] def update_client_credentials(self, *, client_id: str, client_secret: str) -> None: """ Update client ID and client secret. Parameters ---------- client_id: str New client ID. client_secret: str New client secret. """ self._client_id = client_id self._client_secret = client_secret
async def _get_access_token(self, *, force_refresh: bool = False) -> str: if ( self._token_info is not None and self._token_info.expires_at - time.time() > 60 and not force_refresh ): return self._token_info.access_token self._token_info = await self._request_token() return self._token_info.access_token async def _request_token(self) -> TokenInfo: expires_at = int(time.time()) async with self.EPIC_OAUTH_URL, data={"grant_type": "client_credentials"}, auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth(self._client_id, self._client_secret), ) as resp: data = await json_or_text(resp) if resp.status != 200: raise errors.HTTPException(resp, data) assert data["token_type"] == "bearer" expires_at += data["expires_in"] return TokenInfo(data["access_token"], expires_at) async def _rlapi_request( self, endpoint: str, *, force_refresh_token: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = self.RLAPI_BASE + endpoint token = await self._get_access_token(force_refresh=force_refresh_token) headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} # RL API returns JSON object on success data: Dict[str, Any] try: data = await self._request(url, headers) except errors.Unauthorized: if force_refresh_token: raise data = await self._rlapi_request(endpoint, force_refresh_token=True) return data async def _request( self, url: str, headers: Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.LooseHeaders] = None ) -> Any: for tries in range(5): async with self._session.get(url, headers=headers) as resp: data = await json_or_text(resp) if resp.status == 200: return data # response data should only be one of those types if error occurs data: Union[Dict[str, Any], str] # type: ignore # received 500 or 502 error, API has some troubles, retrying if resp.status in {500, 502}: await asyncio.sleep(1 + tries * 2) continue # token is invalid if resp.status == 401: raise errors.Unauthorized(resp, data) # generic error raise errors.HTTPException(resp, data) # still failed after 5 tries raise errors.HTTPException(resp, data) async def _get_stats(self, player_id: str, platform: Platform) -> Player: """ Get player skills for player ID in selected platform. Parameters ---------- player_id: str ID of player to find. platform: Platform Platform to search. Returns ------- Player Requested player skills. Raises ------ HTTPException HTTP request to Rocket League API failed. PlayerNotFound The player could not be found. """ endpoint = f"/player/skill/{platform.value}/{player_id}" try: player_data = await self._rlapi_request(endpoint) except errors.HTTPException as e: if e.status == 404: raise errors.PlayerNotFound( "Player with provided ID could not be " f"found on platform {platform.value}" ) raise return Player( player_id=player_id, platform=platform, tier_breakdown=self.tier_breakdown, data=player_data, )
[docs] async def get_player( self, player_id: str, platform: Optional[Platform] = None ) -> Tuple[Player, ...]: """ Get player skills for player ID by searching in all platforms. Parameters ---------- player_id: str ID of player to find. platform: Platform, optional Platform to search, if not provided client will search on all platforms. Returns ------- `tuple` of `Player` Requested player skills. Raises ------ HTTPException HTTP request to Rocket League or Steam API failed. PlayerNotFound The player could not be found on any platform. """ if platform is not None: return (await self._get_stats(player_id, platform),) players: List[Player] = [] for platform in Platform: try: players += await self._find_profile(player_id, platform) except errors.IllegalUsername as e: log.debug(str(e)) if not players: raise errors.PlayerNotFound( "Player with provided ID could not be found on any platform." ) return tuple(players)
async def _find_profile(self, player_id: str, platform: Platform) -> Set[Player]: pattern = _PLATFORM_PATTERNS[platform] match = pattern.fullmatch(player_id) if not match: raise errors.IllegalUsername( f"Provided username doesn't match provided pattern: {pattern}" ) players = set() if platform == Platform.steam: ids = await self._find_steam_ids(match) else: ids = [player_id] for player_id_to_find in ids: try: player = await self._get_stats(player_id_to_find, platform) players.add(player) except errors.PlayerNotFound as e: log.debug(str(e)) return players async def _find_steam_ids(self, match: Match[str]) -> List[str]: player_id = search_type = if search_type is None: # code unreachable bug for Match[str] # see search_types = ["profiles", "id"] # type: ignore # mypy bug else: search_types = [search_type] ids: List[str] = [] for search_type in search_types: url = self.STEAM_BASE + f"/{search_type}/{player_id}/?xml=1" async with self._session.get(url) as resp: if resp.status >= 400: raise errors.HTTPException(resp, await resp.text()) steam_profile = etree.fromstring(await, self._xml_parser) error = steam_profile.find("error") if error is None: steam_id_element = steam_profile.find("steamID64") if steam_id_element is None: log.debug( "Steam didn't include 'steamID64' element" " in response (profile found using '%s' method).", search_type, ) continue steam_id: Optional[str] = steam_id_element.text # type: ignore if steam_id is None: log.debug( "'steamID64' element in response is empty" " (profile found using '%s' method).", search_type, ) continue ids.append(steam_id) elif error.text != "The specified profile could not be found.": log.debug( "Steam threw error while searching profile using '%s' method: %s", search_type, error.text, ) return ids